Why The Odds Are In Your Favor

If they tell you not to pursue your dream, nod your head and get on with it anyway.

Nowadays I believe that there are no “safe” careers and that any path you choose will be a competitive one. No matter what you do, there will always be someone who can do it just as good or better than you, but the point is that you love doing it. 

They tell me to stick with math and science, that my GPA should be a 4.0 and that my creative writing talents should be used for writing research papers. Because those are the people who have a shot, the people who go after what no one else wants or cares about.

Perhaps there is a reason for that, perhaps I was not meant to multiply numbers but question why numbers should be multiplied. I am studious, but only in what interests me. I have the brains, but will use them where I see fit.

Yes, I want to be a teacher. I want to help children understand math and science, but I do not want to be a mathematician or a scientist. Maybe I won’t get paid as much, but it is never about the money when you are in love with your career.

If you desire a life of luxury, know that over forty hours of your week will be spent where you work. If you love and appreciate those forty hours, your life of luxury has already begun.

I am a free spirit. I try not to care about what the others shove down my throat. It is difficult, I will admit. However, I will advice you to do the same. Whether you dream of becoming a teacher, an artist, an actress, a writer, a business owner, a doctor or even a professional dog walker, the odds are in your favor.

You do not have to be a follower or a leader, just be yourself and that is all you will ever need to worry about.


  1. You Go GIRL!

    Just so that You’d know,
    I’m a Writer… That’s as well in my Spare Time,
    But wrote Full-Time for 6 Months while I was Retrenched,
    40 Hours a week…
    Fat Chance…

    When You LOVE what You do, You’d Enjoy the time You spend and Love the Life You’re Living…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not all of us get to choose what we do in this life, but then we are released from the pressure of choosing. Sometimes that works for us, sometimes not so much. In my case it worked well. I am almost exactly where I need and want to be, even though I was pushed here by my limitations, and so I thank God for them. You have been blessed with many talents, apparently fewer limitations, and therefore many choices. No matter what else you choose, please also choose writing, and never give it up. I sense a great writer within you.


  3. You’ll love teaching. I’m surrounded by teachers in my family. In fact, my son is studying to be a H.S. science teacher. Everyone enjoys helping kids and making learning fun. You will too, I’m sure.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Thank you for this. So very much. It has been more than relevant. I was so obsessed with impressing people and wanting to be “somebody.” What does that even mean anymore? No wonder I was so unhappy.

    So I’ll occasionally run into a former professor at a coffee shop who’ll kindly tell me I’m wasting my potential and should be in grad school. But what for? Because I can write good research papers? For a long time, I was confused. I guess having parents that weren’t supportive of my going to college and couldn’t be pleased with anything played a hand in my wanting people to like me, or think I was smart.

    At this point, I don’t depend on that approval anymore. I do what I want. And it doesn’t have to entail enrolling in a PhD program either.

    You are great. Your post reminds me that perhaps I shouldn’t be so offended and flustered when I perceive others imposing their desires, views, and preferences on me.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Hello again, I just finished posting a little snippet The theme to be free ,freedom the thought crossed my mind to come by and see how you were getting along. And of course read a bit more. I get here and the first thing that jumps out at me a single word. FREEDOM! Conformation vey cool. Your words spot on… Follow your own heart. I don’t care what they say sometimes it works better outside the box.nick

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog earlier. Do follow the path you choose even if it may seem like it is harder, you never know where it may lead you. Some people are built for planning and others are built for meandering. It is better to regret the things you tried, than to forever mourn the lost of all that you didn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. 100% pursue your dream, we don’t get many attempts and that window of opportunity is sometimes limited. But my advice try and find a balance as the monetary side of life is as important because it can support your dreams and aspirations. I work in the city of London and similar to places like MY, it’s a crazy place. I respect that some people want to work crazy hrs for the money, good luck to them, however they must remember there are no medals at the end and more often then not they may eventually have the money to pursue a dream but not the motivation.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If everyone did what they were told, where would we be today? We need more people like you are willing to do what they love and still help us progress as humanity. The world doesn’t run on simply scientists and mathematicians, we need teachers and writers too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. The most rewarding time I spent as a teacher was when I worked in a team of teachers and students, staying together for the first 3 years of high school. Each teacher was a specialist in 2 or 3 areas. I taught history and geography to my home group and english to our partner class. On my team was a young graduate who had majored in maths/science and english so she taught english and maths to my home group and was science teacher to her home group, my partner class. We collaboratively planned curriculum projects, no egos , no competition. Our pedagogy was based around understanding and planning for preferred learning styles,we also heavily relied on Gardeners multiple intelligences. The best teaching comes with collaboration and Angela Eve go for maths, science and english.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. So true. I quit my job at an accounting firm to work part time and write a novel! So far, it’s working out pretty well. Good luck to you and don’t give up 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Well said. I feel that once you have your bliss professionally, you need to have a realistic understanding of all that it brings in your life. Money? Not likely. But, piece of mind, joy, energy, all of these things are possible when you enjoy your job and the minutes flutter by so quickly in this short life we have. We have a unique opportunity to enjoy all that we do; and should.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I was a business major but there were few, well, how should I say this, girls. Graduated with a sociology degree which was about useless. Turns out I used it a lot in the life that followed.

    To do it over? I did a lot of teaching in my career and I love golf. So there. Should have gone on to PGA school and instructed rich bankers and lawyers at a country club in a mild climate. Play 3 or 4 times a week and break 80.

    Next lifetime.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Excellent words of advice. All we truly have in this life is ourselves so we should focus on being ourselves rather than what everyone else wants us to be. Everyone has an opinion about who we should be. I always say to those people, “I don’t need your advise but maybe you do. Maybe you should listen to yourself and leave others to find their own way, according to their own heart.”

    Liked by 1 person

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